Stewarttown Secondary Plan

Project Update Please be advised that the Official Plan Amendment 57 (Stewarttown Secondary Plan) has been approved by Town Council on October 28, 2024. For more information, please see the notice of approval. The Final Recommendation Report for the Stewarttown Secondary Plan was approved by Council on August 26, 2024. Formal approval of Official Plan Amendment 57 (the Secondary Plan) by way of a Town By-law will come on October 28, 2024 at Council, after which a Notice of Decision will be made public. Report Appendices: A copy of the updated Secondary Plan being recommended for approval is available here. View the Public Meeting Presentation. |
Purpose and Effect of Halton Hills Official Plan Amendment 57
The purpose of the Draft Official Plan Amendment 57 is to establish a Secondary Plan that will guide land use and future development in the former Hamlet of Stewarttown and adjacent expansion lands. Using the Council endorsed Preferred Land Use Plan, the Stewarttown Secondary Plan will implement policies, objectives and guidelines that respect the existing natural heritage and historic character of Stewarttown.
Draft Official Plan Amendment 57
Draft Stewarttown Secondary Plan (text only)
Draft Schedule H9-1 (Land Use Plan)
Draft Schedule H9-2 (Transportation Plan)
Draft Schedule A3 to Halton Hills Official Plan
Legal Notices Required under the Planning Act:
1. If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Council of the Town of Halton Hills to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Town of Halton Hills before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
2. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Town of Halton Hills before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Town of Halton Hills on the proposed Official Plan Amendment, you must make a written request to the Town of Halton Hills Planning & Development Department, 1 Halton Hills Drive, Halton Hills, ON, L7G 5G2.
If you have any questions related to the Draft Stewarttown Secondary Plan, or the project in general, you can use the Ask the Town function on this page, or contact Town staff directly ( OR 905-875-5961).
The Town is preparing a Secondary Plan for the (former) Hamlet of Stewarttown to establish a Land Use Plan for the area and surrounding expansion lands while focusing on preserving the unique character of the community. Building on information presented at the second virtual Open House held in April 2022, the Project Team will provide findings from the recently completed Feasibility Analysis and follow up on the draft Preferred Land Use concept. Feedback gathered at the event will help inform the direction of the draft Stewarttown Secondary Plan.
Once completed, the Stewarttown Secondary Plan will identify the most appropriate land use plan for the area and incorporate best practices for community development while establishing housing density targets for the new community.
The Stewarttown Secondary Plan will align with Provincial and Regional plans and its development will be a community-integrated process, shaped by input from the public and key stakeholders.
Stewarttown Phase 1&2 Public Consultation Summary Report
Read the completed Stewarttown background report
Virtual Tour:
Join us on a virtual walking tour of Stewarttown. It’s a photographic tour of the Stewarttown Secondary Plan study area and it’s to be used in conjunction with the survey.
Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback.
Ask the Town
Ask us any questions about the Stewarttown Secondary Plan and we will respond within five business days.