Phase 1 FAQs
What is meant by "appropriate" density and mix?
Appropriate density means taking into account any existing Town policies on density, along with the existing character of the area in question.
The Town of Halton Hills Official Plan has policies which require the expansion lands to be developed in character with the surrounding community.
The Stewarttown Hamlet has been historically low density with natural heritage present. This must all be considered when establishing what density would be appropriate for the expansion lands.
Will trees be put in to provide privacy to the current residents that have nature views right now, but will be facing houses in these new plans?
Natural buffering between the expansion lands and existing community is something that would be planned for through future applications (e.g. Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision). These applications will occur once the Secondary Plan for the area has been adopted.
Why is Harrison Place the only access point outlined? There are multiple concerns with this as the entry point for the new development, including traffic, safety, and home values. Why are other access points not being considered?
Other access points were considered for the expansion lands by the Project Team. At this time, Harrison Place is the only viable access for proper entry into the expansion lands.
Factors such as topography, the presence of the Greenbelt Plan Area and Natural Heritage System limit the ability for other access points to be considered.
More information on how access to the expansion lands was determined will be shared in the future, when more detailed land use concepts are presented to the public.
The emergency access/trail access on the maps is a private road that is paid for and maintained by the 5 resident houses on the cul-de-sac. Has this been approved?
The use of the privately-owned cul-de-sac off Mill Pond Drive for a proposed emergency access or trail entrance to the expansion lands was presented for consideration only.
Would you be able to give us an idea about the number of households in the expansion lands based on your options?
More information on unit counts will be shared in the future, when more detailed land use concepts are presented to the public.
I understand that 8 properties in Stewarttown have been identified on the heritage register- what are they? What is planned to preserve Stewarttown’s historical properties?
Properties listed on the Halton Hills Heritage Register can be searched publicly on the Town’s website using the Maplinks page.
More information on the Town’s Heritage Register, including property-specific heritage information can be found here.
The preservation of the Stewarttown properties currently listed on the Heritage Register is important, and will be considered as part of the Heritage Resource Assessment component of the Secondary Plan process.
Entry to Thompson from Trafalgar in order to access Harrison is very dangerous due to the dog leg in the road and blind corner; will this be taken into consideration?
The entry point in question will not be directly considered as part of the preparation of the Secondary Plan. However, the issue may be considered as part of the Transportation and Traffic Study being prepared by the consulting team to inform the Plan.
Part of this study includes reviewing all planned road improvements in the area, one of which is the Regionally-led Trafalgar Road Corridor Study, from Steeles Avenue to Highway 7.
It should be noted that any planned improvements to this entry point would be approved and carried out by the Region of Halton. Town staff can assist in directing residents to the appropriate Region staff contact.
Would services expand to all of the expansion area with a focus on Millpond?
Town staff have confirmation from the Region of Halton that no expanded servicing is being considered for the area, outside of new development in the expansion lands.
Could you clarify if Stewarttown has a special designation for 5 units per hectare how this would change or become a higher number? Am I correct in stating that 5 units per hectare equate to approximate lot sizes of 1/2 acre?
The prescribed density of 5 units per hectare applies to the portion of the Plan Area in Stewarttown, outside of the expansion lands. However, the expansion lands are required to be developed in character with the surrounding area, therefore any density assigned to these lands cannot be a significant departure from what already exists.
Is the Stewarttown Secondary plan affected by the Vision plan in progress between 10 and 15 Side Road?
The Stewarttown Secondary Plan and Vision Georgetown Plan areas are both considered Designated Greenfield Areas, established through the Sustainable Halton process in 2009. They are very different in scale and land use mix, where the Vision Plan will take much longer to develop. At this time, it is not anticipated that the Plans will impact one another in any way.
Will sidewalks be added to existing properties on Harrison Place?
Sidewalk expansion on existing streets would need to be carried out through separate public infrastructure projects. Public input related to road improvements on existing streets will be gathered and shared with appropriate Town staff as part of the public engagement process.
How will the impacts of construction at the time of development be addressed?
The impacts of construction within the expansion lands are considered and proposed mitigation measures are identified in a Construction Management Plan. This Plan is submitted for Town approval in future development application process (e.g. Zoning Amendment, Plan of Subdivision, and Site Plan Approval).