The draft land use plan presented shows the only access to the expansion lands through Harrison Place. Are other potential access points being considered?

    Further analysis is required for the consideration of a southern access road to the expansion lands. This will be completed in the coming months and information will be shared when available.

    How has the increased traffic flow, that will result from the development of the expansion lands, been considered as part of the Secondary Plan process?

    A Traffic Impact Study is being completed as part of the Secondary Plan process. This study will evaluate the potential impacts of traffic, resulting from the development of the expansion lands, on the established Stewarttown residential area.

    Why is the land use for the expansion lands changing from agricultural to residential?

    The previous Halton Region Official Plan Review, known as Sustainable Halton, was finalized in 2009. Through this process, a modest expansion to Stewarttown was approved to permit additional residential development in keeping with the character of the community.

    Will affordable housing be considered as part of the draft policies for the Secondary Plan?

    The  Stewarttown area has historically developed as low density, primarily single detached homes on larger lots. Per the Halton Hills Official Plan, the expansion lands are to be developed in similar character to what already exists in Stewarttown. As a result, opportunities for affordable housing are more likely to develop within strategic locations inside the Built-Up Area of Georgetown as well as the Vision Georgetown and Southeast Georgetown Designated Greenfield Areas.

    Why are a mix of land uses not being considered for the expansion lands?

    The expansion was approved on the basis that new development would be in keeping  with the character of the existing Stewarttown community. Based on the work completed to date, due to site access and topographical constraints within the expansion lands, the project team is of the view that the most suitable land use is low density residential complemented by parkland. The final decision in such matters is made by Council.

    Is it possible to create a parkland buffer between the expansion lands and existing Stewarttown area (e.g. Harrison Place)?

    Several parkland locations within the expansion lands are being considered, one of which is to locate the parkland immediately adjacent Harrison Place.

    Will plans for sidewalks be considered for the expansion lands and existing Stewarttown streets?

    Through the Secondary Plan process, policies encouraging the future development of sidewalks can be considered. Incorporating sidewalks into the expansion lands will considered further along in the approvals process when a Plan of Subdivision application has been submitted.

    How has the density proposed for the expansion lands been determined?

    The project team has developed and evaluated three different scenarios for residential density in the expansion lands. While work is still being done to establish the most appropriate density, consideration for the surrounding area will be a key factor in establishing a firm density target for the expansion lands. Community feedback, and consideration for topographic constraints and increased traffic will also be taken into account.

    Are trails, in and out of the expansion lands, being considered as part of the process?

    The inclusion of trails through Open Space and Greenlands will be considered as part of the development of the draft Secondary Plan.

    When could the Secondary Plan be completed, and when might we expect to see development begin to occur in the expansion lands?

    The Secondary Plan for Stewarttown still requires further public consultation, the Council endorsement of a Preferred Land Use plan, and both Local Council and Regional approval of the final Plan. This would be expected to occur sometime in 2023, after which a Plan of Subdivision application would be required to gain approval to develop the expansion lands. 

    Expansion of current servicing infrastructure into the expansion lands is also necessary and occurs under the approval of Halton Region. It is difficult to estimate a time for when development would commence, however several approval steps are still required.