Roads 2021: Pavement Management and Collector/Arterial Program

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Consultation has concluded

Paving Craig Cres

Each year, the Design and Construction Section of the Transportation and Public Works Department delivers Pavement Management and Capital Works construction programs in order to renew and improve infrastructure across Halton Hills. Pavement Management has been an annual local resurfacing program since 2003 and the Collector/Arterial resurfacing program which focuses on upgrading collector and arterial roads in Halton Hills is scheduled to commence in 2021 and executed on a by-annual basis.

Starting in the spring of 2021, select streets will benefit from road resurfacing and road reconstruction where needed. This work will be managed and administered by the Design and Construction Section, Transportation and Public Works Department.

The Town of Halton Hills is planning to perform improvements to the following streets:


Road Span

Type of Work

Bairstow Crescent

Prince Charles Drive to Prince Charles Drive


Credit Street

Confederation Street to End

Minor Reconstruction

Eaton Street

Miller Drive to Barber Drive


15 Side Road

Regional Road 3 (Trafalgar Road) to 300m E of Trafalgar Road


Hepburn Crescent

Argyll Road to Miller Drive


Morris Street

Chapel Street to End


Rexway Drive

Sargent Road to Heslop Court


Sinclair Avenue

Mountainview Road to Duncan Drive

Resurfacing/Active Transportation

22 Side Road

Fourth Line to Fifth Line


22 Side Road

Regional Road 25 to Pit Entrance East of Third Line (East Leg)


Project Summary by Street:

Bairstow Cres., Prince Charles Drive to Prince Charles Drive – Reconstruction

Full-depth asphalt removal, add new curbs, new storm sewer or repairs and full width asphalt. Restoration of driveways (full aprons, curb to sidewalk, or full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas restored with topsoil and sod.

Credit Street, Confederation Street to End – Minor Reconstruction

Full depth asphalt removal, curb repairs in areas, add curb between Confederation and Beaver and Erin to End. Add storm sewer and full width asphalt. Restoration of driveways (full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas with topsoil and sod.

Rexway Drive, Sargent Road to Heslop Court - Resurfacing

Full depth asphalt removal, curb repairs in pre-identified areas and full width asphalt resurfacing. Restoration of driveways (full aprons, or full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas with topsoil and sod.

Morris Street, Chapel Street to End - Resurfacing

Excavation and re-grade road to allow for center line drainage, redirecting drainage from private properties. Repave asphalt full width of road. Restoration of driveways (full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas restored with topsoil and sod.

22 Side Road, Fourth Line to Fifth Line - Resurfacing

Pulverize existing asphalt into granular base, re-grade pulverized granular material. Repave asphalt full width of road. Restoration of driveways (full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas with topsoil and sod or seed.

Eaton Street, Miller Drive to Barber Drive and Hepburn Cres., Argyll Road to Miller Drive - Resurfacing

Mill (remove) top asphalt lift, base asphalt repairs as required. Repave asphalt full width of road. Curb repairs in pre-identified areas. Restoration of driveways (full aprons, or full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas restored with topsoil and sod.

Sinclair Ave., Mountainview Road to Duncan Drive - Resurfacing/Active Transportation

Full depth asphalt removal, curb repairs in pre-identified areas. Storm sewer repairs and full width asphalt. Add active transportation (multi-use path) on north side and lay-by-lane in front of school. Restoration of driveways (full aprons, or full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas with topsoil and sod.

15 Side Road, Regional Road 3 (Trafalgar Road) to 300m E of Trafalgar Road - Resurfacing

Full depth asphalt removal, curb repairs in pre-identified areas. Storm sewer repairs and full width asphalt. New sidewalk on the north and south sides in front of the school. Restoration of driveways (full aprons, or full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas with topsoil and sod.

22 Side Road, Regional Road 25 (Hwy 25) to Pit Entrance east of Third Line - Resurfacing

Pulverize existing asphalt into granular base, re-grade pulverized granular material. Repave asphalt full width of road. Restoration of driveways (full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas with topsoil and sod or seed.

Learn more about pavement management and collective/arterial program

Residents are invited to ask Town staff questions about the proposed construction and convey any concerns.

Each year, the Design and Construction Section of the Transportation and Public Works Department delivers Pavement Management and Capital Works construction programs in order to renew and improve infrastructure across Halton Hills. Pavement Management has been an annual local resurfacing program since 2003 and the Collector/Arterial resurfacing program which focuses on upgrading collector and arterial roads in Halton Hills is scheduled to commence in 2021 and executed on a by-annual basis.

Starting in the spring of 2021, select streets will benefit from road resurfacing and road reconstruction where needed. This work will be managed and administered by the Design and Construction Section, Transportation and Public Works Department.

The Town of Halton Hills is planning to perform improvements to the following streets:


Road Span

Type of Work

Bairstow Crescent

Prince Charles Drive to Prince Charles Drive


Credit Street

Confederation Street to End

Minor Reconstruction

Eaton Street

Miller Drive to Barber Drive


15 Side Road

Regional Road 3 (Trafalgar Road) to 300m E of Trafalgar Road


Hepburn Crescent

Argyll Road to Miller Drive


Morris Street

Chapel Street to End


Rexway Drive

Sargent Road to Heslop Court


Sinclair Avenue

Mountainview Road to Duncan Drive

Resurfacing/Active Transportation

22 Side Road

Fourth Line to Fifth Line


22 Side Road

Regional Road 25 to Pit Entrance East of Third Line (East Leg)


Project Summary by Street:

Bairstow Cres., Prince Charles Drive to Prince Charles Drive – Reconstruction

Full-depth asphalt removal, add new curbs, new storm sewer or repairs and full width asphalt. Restoration of driveways (full aprons, curb to sidewalk, or full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas restored with topsoil and sod.

Credit Street, Confederation Street to End – Minor Reconstruction

Full depth asphalt removal, curb repairs in areas, add curb between Confederation and Beaver and Erin to End. Add storm sewer and full width asphalt. Restoration of driveways (full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas with topsoil and sod.

Rexway Drive, Sargent Road to Heslop Court - Resurfacing

Full depth asphalt removal, curb repairs in pre-identified areas and full width asphalt resurfacing. Restoration of driveways (full aprons, or full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas with topsoil and sod.

Morris Street, Chapel Street to End - Resurfacing

Excavation and re-grade road to allow for center line drainage, redirecting drainage from private properties. Repave asphalt full width of road. Restoration of driveways (full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas restored with topsoil and sod.

22 Side Road, Fourth Line to Fifth Line - Resurfacing

Pulverize existing asphalt into granular base, re-grade pulverized granular material. Repave asphalt full width of road. Restoration of driveways (full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas with topsoil and sod or seed.

Eaton Street, Miller Drive to Barber Drive and Hepburn Cres., Argyll Road to Miller Drive - Resurfacing

Mill (remove) top asphalt lift, base asphalt repairs as required. Repave asphalt full width of road. Curb repairs in pre-identified areas. Restoration of driveways (full aprons, or full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas restored with topsoil and sod.

Sinclair Ave., Mountainview Road to Duncan Drive - Resurfacing/Active Transportation

Full depth asphalt removal, curb repairs in pre-identified areas. Storm sewer repairs and full width asphalt. Add active transportation (multi-use path) on north side and lay-by-lane in front of school. Restoration of driveways (full aprons, or full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas with topsoil and sod.

15 Side Road, Regional Road 3 (Trafalgar Road) to 300m E of Trafalgar Road - Resurfacing

Full depth asphalt removal, curb repairs in pre-identified areas. Storm sewer repairs and full width asphalt. New sidewalk on the north and south sides in front of the school. Restoration of driveways (full aprons, or full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas with topsoil and sod.

22 Side Road, Regional Road 25 (Hwy 25) to Pit Entrance east of Third Line - Resurfacing

Pulverize existing asphalt into granular base, re-grade pulverized granular material. Repave asphalt full width of road. Restoration of driveways (full width to the damaged limit) all damaged grassed areas with topsoil and sod or seed.

Learn more about pavement management and collective/arterial program

Residents are invited to ask Town staff questions about the proposed construction and convey any concerns.

Consultation has concluded

Ask Town staff about roads resurfacing in Halton Hills. Your question(s) will be answered in five business days.

  • Share For Eaton Street resurfacing, span says Eaton at Miller to Eaton at Barber. There are two intersections of Eaton with Miller. Is the entire street being resurfaced with the exception of Eaton north of Miller (newer subdivision?). on Facebook Share For Eaton Street resurfacing, span says Eaton at Miller to Eaton at Barber. There are two intersections of Eaton with Miller. Is the entire street being resurfaced with the exception of Eaton north of Miller (newer subdivision?). on Twitter Share For Eaton Street resurfacing, span says Eaton at Miller to Eaton at Barber. There are two intersections of Eaton with Miller. Is the entire street being resurfaced with the exception of Eaton north of Miller (newer subdivision?). on Linkedin Email For Eaton Street resurfacing, span says Eaton at Miller to Eaton at Barber. There are two intersections of Eaton with Miller. Is the entire street being resurfaced with the exception of Eaton north of Miller (newer subdivision?). link

    For Eaton Street resurfacing, span says Eaton at Miller to Eaton at Barber. There are two intersections of Eaton with Miller. Is the entire street being resurfaced with the exception of Eaton north of Miller (newer subdivision?).

    Megan asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for pointing this out

    Eaton Street limits are from Barber to Miller (south intersection).  For clear limits of the proposed resurfacing, please refer to the maps in the right hand column under 2021 Pavement Management and Collector/Arterial Programs Maps.

    If you have further questions, let us know.

  • Share 22 side road Will you be adding bike shoulders when work is done? on Facebook Share 22 side road Will you be adding bike shoulders when work is done? on Twitter Share 22 side road Will you be adding bike shoulders when work is done? on Linkedin Email 22 side road Will you be adding bike shoulders when work is done? link

    22 side road Will you be adding bike shoulders when work is done?

    Tandem2 asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your question.  

    The portions of 22 Side Road identified for these programs (Hwy 25 to east of Third Line E and Fourth Line to Fifth Line) will not receive added bike shoulders.  Through the Halton Hills Active Transportation Master Plan the sections are identified with no active transportation or as signed bike routes.  Those that are signed routes will be implemented through our Transportation section with Public Works. 

  • Share When is Mountainview Road (North & South) going to be repaved? It is long overdo. It is the worst road in Halton Hills. Can you please let me know? Thank you. Derek Remes on Facebook Share When is Mountainview Road (North & South) going to be repaved? It is long overdo. It is the worst road in Halton Hills. Can you please let me know? Thank you. Derek Remes on Twitter Share When is Mountainview Road (North & South) going to be repaved? It is long overdo. It is the worst road in Halton Hills. Can you please let me know? Thank you. Derek Remes on Linkedin Email When is Mountainview Road (North & South) going to be repaved? It is long overdo. It is the worst road in Halton Hills. Can you please let me know? Thank you. Derek Remes link

    When is Mountainview Road (North & South) going to be repaved? It is long overdo. It is the worst road in Halton Hills. Can you please let me know? Thank you. Derek Remes

    Derek Remes asked about 4 years ago

    We have identified Mountainview Road in the area between Delrex Blvd and Sinclair Ave. for resurfacing through the Collector/Arterial program between 2023 and 2025.  As well as the portion between Maple Ave. and John Street is identified for resurfacing.  The Town is in the process of coordinating some preliminary studies (including our Transportation Master Plan) and will be prioritizing sections of Mountainview Road for resurfacing or reconstruction in the future capital budget process. 

  • Share Please make sure you put the speed bumps back on Eaton Street after you are finished resurfacing it. If fact feel free to add one more between Curry and Miller. Thanks, Jennifer and Richard Spence on Facebook Share Please make sure you put the speed bumps back on Eaton Street after you are finished resurfacing it. If fact feel free to add one more between Curry and Miller. Thanks, Jennifer and Richard Spence on Twitter Share Please make sure you put the speed bumps back on Eaton Street after you are finished resurfacing it. If fact feel free to add one more between Curry and Miller. Thanks, Jennifer and Richard Spence on Linkedin Email Please make sure you put the speed bumps back on Eaton Street after you are finished resurfacing it. If fact feel free to add one more between Curry and Miller. Thanks, Jennifer and Richard Spence link

    Please make sure you put the speed bumps back on Eaton Street after you are finished resurfacing it. If fact feel free to add one more between Curry and Miller. Thanks, Jennifer and Richard Spence

    about 4 years ago

    The Town will be re-establishing all current speed hump locations effected by construction.  Regarding adding more between Curry and Miller, I will pass the inquiry onto our Transportation section for further review.  Thank you. 

  • Share Hello, is there a timeline for resurfacing of Standish St? Thanks! on Facebook Share Hello, is there a timeline for resurfacing of Standish St? Thanks! on Twitter Share Hello, is there a timeline for resurfacing of Standish St? Thanks! on Linkedin Email Hello, is there a timeline for resurfacing of Standish St? Thanks! link

    Hello, is there a timeline for resurfacing of Standish St? Thanks!

    waynekirley asked about 4 years ago

    Good Morning,  Standish Street is not planned for resurfacing within the Town's current capital forecast.  

    Every five years, a review of the condition of the Town’s roads is conducted, priorities are reviewed during our annual budget process.

    Regards, Teri Hoey