Specialized Transit Plan

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Consultation has concluded

About the Project

The Town of Halton Hills is developing a Specialized Transit Plan to improve the ActiVan service within the Town and support the broader Halton Hills Transit Service Strategy. The Specialized Transit Plan will be developed in two phases. 

The first phase will feature a Mid-Term Directions report, which will provide short-term recommendations to specialized transit service impacting the 2021 operating budget. 

The second phase will feature a Final Directions Report that will provide medium to long-term recommendations aimed to increase efficiencies and enhance customer experience as well as support future growth in ridership. 

Process and Engagement

The Town will be facilitating a wide array of public consultation and engagement activities to inform the recommendations made in the project. The engagement will be developed according to the latest information available regarding COVID-19. Public consultation and engagement activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

 Public Meetings
Two public meetings will be held during the second phase of the project to inform attendees of the project's purposes and progress as well as allowing them the opportunity to provide feedback.

Stakeholder Sessions
Two rounds of stakeholder sessions will be held during the second phase of the project to collect input from various stakeholder groups. Stakeholders could include agencies representing individuals with disabilities, assisted living residences, health care providers, etc.

 Accessibility Advisory Committee
Ongoing communication with the Town's Accessibility Advisory Committee will be facilitated throughout the project.

Online Survey
An online survey will be released during the second phase of the project that will allow the Town to gather input to inform long-term service improvement recommendations.


About the Project

The Town of Halton Hills is developing a Specialized Transit Plan to improve the ActiVan service within the Town and support the broader Halton Hills Transit Service Strategy. The Specialized Transit Plan will be developed in two phases. 

The first phase will feature a Mid-Term Directions report, which will provide short-term recommendations to specialized transit service impacting the 2021 operating budget. 

The second phase will feature a Final Directions Report that will provide medium to long-term recommendations aimed to increase efficiencies and enhance customer experience as well as support future growth in ridership. 

Process and Engagement

The Town will be facilitating a wide array of public consultation and engagement activities to inform the recommendations made in the project. The engagement will be developed according to the latest information available regarding COVID-19. Public consultation and engagement activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

 Public Meetings
Two public meetings will be held during the second phase of the project to inform attendees of the project's purposes and progress as well as allowing them the opportunity to provide feedback.

Stakeholder Sessions
Two rounds of stakeholder sessions will be held during the second phase of the project to collect input from various stakeholder groups. Stakeholders could include agencies representing individuals with disabilities, assisted living residences, health care providers, etc.

 Accessibility Advisory Committee
Ongoing communication with the Town's Accessibility Advisory Committee will be facilitated throughout the project.

Online Survey
An online survey will be released during the second phase of the project that will allow the Town to gather input to inform long-term service improvement recommendations.


Provide us with your feedback or comments

We would love to hear from you! Please include your feedback, comments, favourite ActiVan story and/or any suggestions as it relates to the Town's ActiVan Specialized Transit program.

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Survey on Specialized Transit Plan

    by Djw, almost 4 years ago
    The survey begins by asking my opinion about changing hours of service.

    I cannot give an opinion without data about current utilization patterns and data on needs assessments.

    Service hours should match the needs identified.

    For example, if the service is currently underutilized, or if there is no demonstrated need for extended hours, then I would oppose extending services.

    It appears disingenuous to solicit opinions in the absence of such data.

    It invites uniformed opinions, based on sentiment and bias.

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    Thank You

    by activanclient, about 4 years ago

    To everyone who (in one way or another) is associated with the ActiVan, my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all your help this past year. I don’t know how I would manage without the service, especially now with the virus all over the country and world. Sincerely, Merina