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Consultation has concluded
In response to public concern, the Town of Halton Hills is currently undertaking a planning study regarding the potential impact of the construction of large-scale residential rebuilds (often referred to as "monster homes") on the character and appearance of the mature neighbourboods of Glen Williams.
The study will examine whether changes to the Town’s Zoning By-law are needed to ensure that the character of the mature neighbourhoods of the hamlet can be maintained. It will be very similar to the Mature Neighbourhood Character Study that was undertaken for Georgetown and Acton in 2016/2017.
The Study will be conducted between Winter 2017 and Winter 2018.
In response to public concern, the Town of Halton Hills is currently undertaking a planning study regarding the potential impact of the construction of large-scale residential rebuilds (often referred to as "monster homes") on the character and appearance of the mature neighbourboods of Glen Williams.
The study will examine whether changes to the Town’s Zoning By-law are needed to ensure that the character of the mature neighbourhoods of the hamlet can be maintained. It will be very similar to the Mature Neighbourhood Character Study that was undertaken for Georgetown and Acton in 2016/2017.
The Study will be conducted between Winter 2017 and Winter 2018.
Please let us know if you have a question related to Glen Williams Mature Neighbourhood. Questions will be answered within one business week.
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Im looking to obtain zoning information for the residential property at 56 Wildwood rd.
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Im looking to obtain zoning information for the residential property at 56 Wildwood rd.
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Im looking to obtain zoning information for the residential property at 56 Wildwood rd.
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Im looking to obtain zoning information for the residential property at 56 Wildwood rd.
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Good afternoon,
Im looking to obtain zoning information for the residential property at 56 Wildwood rd.
almost 7 years ago
This property is within the Hamlet Residential 2 (HR2) Zone. The provisions that relate to this zone can be found in Part 9 of the Town's Zoning By-law - please see the attached link to the Zoning By-law:
Phase 1 of the Glen Williams Mature Neighbourhood Study has commenced.
Glen Williams Mature Neighbourhood Study has finished this stage
The Steering Committee met in March 2018
The Neighbourhood Walking Tour took Place on March 24, 2018
Phase 1: Background Report
Glen Williams Mature Neighbourhood Study has finished this stage
Phase 1: Public Workshop - Thursday May 3, 2018 at 7.30pm in St. Alban's Church Hall, 537 Main Street, Glen Williams
Glen Williams Mature Neighbourhood Study has finished this stage
At the Public Workshop that took place in St. Alban's Church Hall a presentation was given regarding what Town Staff and their consultant's from MHBC have learned so far in this Study. Then those who attended were separated into
smaller working groups to discuss and provide ideas about how the demand for
large home rebuilds in the Glen could be managed and how the character of
the Glen’s mature neighbourhoods could be maintained. The input from the workshop will be used to develop options for future changes to the Zoning By-law for the Glen. The options will be presented for their views and input at a Public Open House on June 14, 2018 in the Glen Williams Town Hall.
Phase 2: Options Report
Glen Williams Mature Neighbourhood Study has finished this stage
Phase 2 Public Open House - Thursday June 14, 2018 at 7pm in The Glen Williams Town Hall, 1 Prince Street, Glen Williams
Glen Williams Mature Neighbourhood Study has finished this stage
The Public Open House that took place on June 14th involved a presentation of various options for changes to the Zoning By-law to address the issue of large house rebuilds in Glen Williams. The views and input of the public were be sought regarding the different options. The presentation and work-panels for this meeting are available in the document library. Please send any comments you have regarding the options outlines.
Phase 3 - Final Report
Glen Williams Mature Neighbourhood Study is currently at this stage
Public Meeting and Council meeting
this is an upcoming stage for Glen Williams Mature Neighbourhood Study
Zoning By-law Amendment
this is an upcoming stage for Glen Williams Mature Neighbourhood Study