- Providing for a range of residential uses and housing options
- Preserving natural resources and systems
- Infrastructure and servicing requirements
- Providing for multiple transportation options
- Maintaining and enhancing agricultural lands
- Conserving and enhancing cultural heritage assets
- Supporting job opportunities and economic competitiveness
- Creating safe and inclusive communities
What is an Official Plan?
An Official Plan is a strategic planning document that helps municipalities manage growth and change. It contains goals, objectives, policies and mapping that direct how land may be used. It considers important social, environmental, economic, and cultural factors over the short and long term.
Why is an Official Plan important?
An Official Plan provides direction and guidance to help inform decisions on:
Why is the Town reviewing / updating its Official Plan?
The Town of Halton Hills Official Plan was adopted by Town Council in 2006 and approved by Halton Region in 2008. It sets the Town’s land use policies to the year 2031 and applies to all lands in the Town.
Since its approval, many changes have occurred at the provincial, regional, and local levels. To remain adaptive and future-ready, the Town will review existing Official Plan policies to ensure conformity with important legislation and plans. It will also ensure alignment with other ongoing municipal initiatives. The new Official Plan will focus on a horizon year of 2051.
Can I make changes to my property’s land use designation?
Yes, but not through this process. Requests to change individual properties is dealt with through a separate planning process. Please visit the Town’s Development Application webpage for more information.
When will the project be completed?
It is expected that the Project will be completed in 2026.