Main Street (Glen Williams) Improvements
The Town of Halton Hills is completing the design for improvements to Main Street and local roads in Glen Williams.
The project includes a stormwater management study for the Main Street study area, condition assessments for Bridges 1 and 2 along Main Street over the Credit River and full engineering design and investigative services for reconstruction of Main Street from Mountain Street in the south to the urban limit in the north.
The proposed road improvements include the rehabilitation of Main Street Bridges 1 (Structure 17) and 2 (Structure 16) to address structural deterioration, add new paved road services and ensure pedestrian and cyclist safety. Other project components include improving stormwater management during wet weather events and provision of active transportation infrastructure as per the Town’s Active Transportation Master Plan.
March 2023 Project Update
Previously, it was communicated that Bridge 2 was planned for construction in 2023. However, due to structural limitations with the existing bridge, construction will no longer start in 2023.
The full, detailed project update can be reviewed in the March 2023 Project Update Notice.
Virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) #1
The rehabilitation of Main Street Bridge 2 (Structure 16) is the focus of PIC #1 and the PowerPoint presentation "Main Street - GW Bridge 2". The Town is inviting residents to review the materials and submit questions and feedback to the Project Team until February 10, 2023. | ![]() |
The Town of Halton Hills is completing the design for improvements to Main Street and local roads in Glen Williams.
The project includes a stormwater management study for the Main Street study area, condition assessments for Bridges 1 and 2 along Main Street over the Credit River and full engineering design and investigative services for reconstruction of Main Street from Mountain Street in the south to the urban limit in the north.
The proposed road improvements include the rehabilitation of Main Street Bridges 1 (Structure 17) and 2 (Structure 16) to address structural deterioration, add new paved road services and ensure pedestrian and cyclist safety. Other project components include improving stormwater management during wet weather events and provision of active transportation infrastructure as per the Town’s Active Transportation Master Plan.
March 2023 Project Update
Previously, it was communicated that Bridge 2 was planned for construction in 2023. However, due to structural limitations with the existing bridge, construction will no longer start in 2023.
The full, detailed project update can be reviewed in the March 2023 Project Update Notice.
Virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) #1
The rehabilitation of Main Street Bridge 2 (Structure 16) is the focus of PIC #1 and the PowerPoint presentation "Main Street - GW Bridge 2". The Town is inviting residents to review the materials and submit questions and feedback to the Project Team until February 10, 2023. | ![]() |
Ask us questions about the Main Street Improvements and we will respond within 10 business days.
Share In the public notice in the Independent for Town project P-047-21, there is a reference to 'proposed road improvements' for Confederation Street. Can you please provide details on what this means. on Facebook Share In the public notice in the Independent for Town project P-047-21, there is a reference to 'proposed road improvements' for Confederation Street. Can you please provide details on what this means. on Twitter Share In the public notice in the Independent for Town project P-047-21, there is a reference to 'proposed road improvements' for Confederation Street. Can you please provide details on what this means. on Linkedin Email In the public notice in the Independent for Town project P-047-21, there is a reference to 'proposed road improvements' for Confederation Street. Can you please provide details on what this means. link
In the public notice in the Independent for Town project P-047-21, there is a reference to 'proposed road improvements' for Confederation Street. Can you please provide details on what this means.
LEJ asked about 2 years agoThe Town intends to reconstruct Confederation Street, tentatively scheduled for 2025. The current Main Street Improvements project will evaluate reconstruction alternatives for Confederation Street (rural, semi-urban, and urban cross-sections), active transportation considerations, and drainage improvements.
The Consultant for the Main Street Improvements project will prepare a preliminary design for Confederation Street, which will be used as the basis for a separate project focused on the detailed design of Confederation Street. The detailed design project for Confederation Street is tentatively scheduled for 2024 pending budget approval.
Share Would you consider traffic calming strategies from the end of the proposed Main Street (at 620 Main) to the 10 th line? Pedestrians with or without dogs are frequent users. The traffic, cars and trucks, is frequently exceeding the speed by 10-30 km/h. Cycle traffic is mostly on weekends and warmer weather and is a separate issue and not as critical as the first. Thank you for listening. Doug Biggar Home: 15583 22sr also called Main Street! Cell: 416-268-6791 on Facebook Share Would you consider traffic calming strategies from the end of the proposed Main Street (at 620 Main) to the 10 th line? Pedestrians with or without dogs are frequent users. The traffic, cars and trucks, is frequently exceeding the speed by 10-30 km/h. Cycle traffic is mostly on weekends and warmer weather and is a separate issue and not as critical as the first. Thank you for listening. Doug Biggar Home: 15583 22sr also called Main Street! Cell: 416-268-6791 on Twitter Share Would you consider traffic calming strategies from the end of the proposed Main Street (at 620 Main) to the 10 th line? Pedestrians with or without dogs are frequent users. The traffic, cars and trucks, is frequently exceeding the speed by 10-30 km/h. Cycle traffic is mostly on weekends and warmer weather and is a separate issue and not as critical as the first. Thank you for listening. Doug Biggar Home: 15583 22sr also called Main Street! Cell: 416-268-6791 on Linkedin Email Would you consider traffic calming strategies from the end of the proposed Main Street (at 620 Main) to the 10 th line? Pedestrians with or without dogs are frequent users. The traffic, cars and trucks, is frequently exceeding the speed by 10-30 km/h. Cycle traffic is mostly on weekends and warmer weather and is a separate issue and not as critical as the first. Thank you for listening. Doug Biggar Home: 15583 22sr also called Main Street! Cell: 416-268-6791 link
Would you consider traffic calming strategies from the end of the proposed Main Street (at 620 Main) to the 10 th line? Pedestrians with or without dogs are frequent users. The traffic, cars and trucks, is frequently exceeding the speed by 10-30 km/h. Cycle traffic is mostly on weekends and warmer weather and is a separate issue and not as critical as the first. Thank you for listening. Doug Biggar Home: 15583 22sr also called Main Street! Cell: 416-268-6791
Doug asked about 2 years agoThree (3) permanent asphalt speed humps are proposed along Main Street / 22 Side Road, including one (1) just north of the house at 15583 22 Side Road. These locations have been selected as part of the Confederation Street Neighbourhood Traffic Calming initiative. For more details, please visit the project page at:
Share Will the road deck be widened over bridge 2 to accommodate the widened sidewalk & shared cycling lanes both sides of the bridge & will the so called Improved Railings call for them to be extended as your drawing seems to indicate that as the unplanned Community mailbox is constrained enough as it already is so we are missing out on this program now which was/is much cheaper than police & wellness checks etc ... on Facebook Share Will the road deck be widened over bridge 2 to accommodate the widened sidewalk & shared cycling lanes both sides of the bridge & will the so called Improved Railings call for them to be extended as your drawing seems to indicate that as the unplanned Community mailbox is constrained enough as it already is so we are missing out on this program now which was/is much cheaper than police & wellness checks etc ... on Twitter Share Will the road deck be widened over bridge 2 to accommodate the widened sidewalk & shared cycling lanes both sides of the bridge & will the so called Improved Railings call for them to be extended as your drawing seems to indicate that as the unplanned Community mailbox is constrained enough as it already is so we are missing out on this program now which was/is much cheaper than police & wellness checks etc ... on Linkedin Email Will the road deck be widened over bridge 2 to accommodate the widened sidewalk & shared cycling lanes both sides of the bridge & will the so called Improved Railings call for them to be extended as your drawing seems to indicate that as the unplanned Community mailbox is constrained enough as it already is so we are missing out on this program now which was/is much cheaper than police & wellness checks etc ... link
Will the road deck be widened over bridge 2 to accommodate the widened sidewalk & shared cycling lanes both sides of the bridge & will the so called Improved Railings call for them to be extended as your drawing seems to indicate that as the unplanned Community mailbox is constrained enough as it already is so we are missing out on this program now which was/is much cheaper than police & wellness checks etc ...
Glen asked about 2 years agoThe width of the bridge deck will not be significantly altered by this project. However, use of space on the bridge (i.e., sidewalk width, asphalt width, and railing type) is being adjusted to a new configuration that allows for a wider sidewalk. New guiderail will be installed beyond the bridge ends for greater safety near the river.
Share Can we get some information about scope of work for bridge #1 please on Facebook Share Can we get some information about scope of work for bridge #1 please on Twitter Share Can we get some information about scope of work for bridge #1 please on Linkedin Email Can we get some information about scope of work for bridge #1 please link
Can we get some information about scope of work for bridge #1 please
Don Barclay asked about 2 years agoThe Bridge 1 scope of work, due to structural deficiencies discovered, is currently under review. Additional details will be shared as they become available.
Share Thank you, so should I conclude that flood water management is NOT part of the plan only storm water on Facebook Share Thank you, so should I conclude that flood water management is NOT part of the plan only storm water on Twitter Share Thank you, so should I conclude that flood water management is NOT part of the plan only storm water on Linkedin Email Thank you, so should I conclude that flood water management is NOT part of the plan only storm water link
Thank you, so should I conclude that flood water management is NOT part of the plan only storm water
Doug asked about 3 years agoManagement of floods outside the municipal right-of-way is outside the scope of this assignment.
Share Will storm water management include flood water management? Doug biggar on Facebook Share Will storm water management include flood water management? Doug biggar on Twitter Share Will storm water management include flood water management? Doug biggar on Linkedin Email Will storm water management include flood water management? Doug biggar link
Will storm water management include flood water management? Doug biggar
Doug asked about 3 years agoThe stormwater management component of the Main Street Improvements project will address stormwater within the municipal right-of-way (e.g., installation of storm sewer to control stormwater within the right-of-way).
Share The map on the Notice of Commencement appears to show that Tweedle Street is part of the planned improvements. If so, what specific improvements are planned? Note that solving the Tweedle Street/Bennett Place grading, run off and drainage problems have been in the Town budget on and off for many years and seem to be repeatedly put off or shelved. Thank you. on Facebook Share The map on the Notice of Commencement appears to show that Tweedle Street is part of the planned improvements. If so, what specific improvements are planned? Note that solving the Tweedle Street/Bennett Place grading, run off and drainage problems have been in the Town budget on and off for many years and seem to be repeatedly put off or shelved. Thank you. on Twitter Share The map on the Notice of Commencement appears to show that Tweedle Street is part of the planned improvements. If so, what specific improvements are planned? Note that solving the Tweedle Street/Bennett Place grading, run off and drainage problems have been in the Town budget on and off for many years and seem to be repeatedly put off or shelved. Thank you. on Linkedin Email The map on the Notice of Commencement appears to show that Tweedle Street is part of the planned improvements. If so, what specific improvements are planned? Note that solving the Tweedle Street/Bennett Place grading, run off and drainage problems have been in the Town budget on and off for many years and seem to be repeatedly put off or shelved. Thank you. link
The map on the Notice of Commencement appears to show that Tweedle Street is part of the planned improvements. If so, what specific improvements are planned? Note that solving the Tweedle Street/Bennett Place grading, run off and drainage problems have been in the Town budget on and off for many years and seem to be repeatedly put off or shelved. Thank you.
Ian Jarvie asked about 3 years agoThe Main Street Improvements project includes a stormwater management study for the Study Area, including Tweedle Street. The intent of the stormwater management study is to determine a cohesive, integrated solution for the study area which will provide long-term stormwater management for each street while also fitting into the area's overall stormwater management strategy.
However, as the solution has not yet been determined, specific improvements for Tweedle Street are currently unknown. Once determined, the improvements for Tweedle Street will require detailed engineering design under a separate assignment.
Share Do you have a map showing the area involved in the Main Street improvements? on Facebook Share Do you have a map showing the area involved in the Main Street improvements? on Twitter Share Do you have a map showing the area involved in the Main Street improvements? on Linkedin Email Do you have a map showing the area involved in the Main Street improvements? link
Do you have a map showing the area involved in the Main Street improvements?
Doug asked about 3 years agoA map of the Main Street Improvements Study Area is included in the Notice of Commencement. The Notice of Commencement can be found on the right side of the Let's Talk Halton Hills project page under "Documents".
Share there have been frequent springs when flooding occurs with runoff from the Sheridan property behind the bruce trail across from the Beaumont Mill. At one time the tailrace of the mill might have carried this away but no longer. this flooding is accompanied by flowing sand. THH installed a culvert under Main St at the mill but it fills with sand quickly and plugs. a serious underground storm sewer from north of the mill to the north/west corner of bridge 2 might be a consideration. It will be tough to make the road good through here without resolving this issue at the same time. on Facebook Share there have been frequent springs when flooding occurs with runoff from the Sheridan property behind the bruce trail across from the Beaumont Mill. At one time the tailrace of the mill might have carried this away but no longer. this flooding is accompanied by flowing sand. THH installed a culvert under Main St at the mill but it fills with sand quickly and plugs. a serious underground storm sewer from north of the mill to the north/west corner of bridge 2 might be a consideration. It will be tough to make the road good through here without resolving this issue at the same time. on Twitter Share there have been frequent springs when flooding occurs with runoff from the Sheridan property behind the bruce trail across from the Beaumont Mill. At one time the tailrace of the mill might have carried this away but no longer. this flooding is accompanied by flowing sand. THH installed a culvert under Main St at the mill but it fills with sand quickly and plugs. a serious underground storm sewer from north of the mill to the north/west corner of bridge 2 might be a consideration. It will be tough to make the road good through here without resolving this issue at the same time. on Linkedin Email there have been frequent springs when flooding occurs with runoff from the Sheridan property behind the bruce trail across from the Beaumont Mill. At one time the tailrace of the mill might have carried this away but no longer. this flooding is accompanied by flowing sand. THH installed a culvert under Main St at the mill but it fills with sand quickly and plugs. a serious underground storm sewer from north of the mill to the north/west corner of bridge 2 might be a consideration. It will be tough to make the road good through here without resolving this issue at the same time. link
there have been frequent springs when flooding occurs with runoff from the Sheridan property behind the bruce trail across from the Beaumont Mill. At one time the tailrace of the mill might have carried this away but no longer. this flooding is accompanied by flowing sand. THH installed a culvert under Main St at the mill but it fills with sand quickly and plugs. a serious underground storm sewer from north of the mill to the north/west corner of bridge 2 might be a consideration. It will be tough to make the road good through here without resolving this issue at the same time.
Malcolm Black asked about 3 years agoThank you for submitting the history at this location. The Main Street Improvements project includes completion of a stormwater management study within the study area and recommendations for future drainage improvements. The history at this location will be provided to the project team for consideration during the stormwater assessment.
Share Will the proposed Main St improvements extend to 10th line? Will the improvements allow for a wider paved shoulder to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians? on Facebook Share Will the proposed Main St improvements extend to 10th line? Will the improvements allow for a wider paved shoulder to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians? on Twitter Share Will the proposed Main St improvements extend to 10th line? Will the improvements allow for a wider paved shoulder to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians? on Linkedin Email Will the proposed Main St improvements extend to 10th line? Will the improvements allow for a wider paved shoulder to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians? link
Will the proposed Main St improvements extend to 10th line? Will the improvements allow for a wider paved shoulder to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians?
Art Balogh asked about 3 years agoThe Main Street Improvements project study area extends only to the Urban Limit approximately 415m southwest of Tenth Line. An evaluation of different road cross-section alternatives for each section of Main Street within the study area will be completed as part of the project.
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