Fairy Lake

Fairy Lake is located in Acton at the headwaters of Black Creek adjacent to Prospect Park and Rotary Park surrounded by residential properties. The lake is adjacent to rural lands, a campground/trailer park, and natural open space.
The lake originated in 1830 when the Adams brothers built a dam on Black Creek to create a mill pond in order to operate a flour mill and a saw mill. Prior to the creation of the lake, the area was a wetland. Today, the dam remains in place and maintains the water levels creating the ‘lake’.
Fairy Lake is approximately 26 hectares and is used for boating, swimming, and fishing providing scenic views from various vantage points.
The Town has undertaken various studies of the Lake over the years; most recently the Fairy Lake Water Quality Study completed in 2010. The 2010 Study as well as additional information about Fairy Lake can be found on this site as well as on the Town's web page.
January 2024 Update
The Survey regarding the Fairy Lake Water Quality Study Update recommendations is now available. Please review the consultant presentation and final report.
A public open house is scheduled for Tuesday, February 20, 2024. Please see additional details under the Key Dates Link.
The survey to collect feedback on the management options and recommendations will be available until March 1st, 2024. Following a review of all public input, final recommendations will be brought to Council for approval.
Please contact Kevin Okimi kevino@haltonhills.ca if you have any questions or if your organization wishes to participate in the open house.
November 2023 Update
The final Fairy Lake Water Quality Study technical report has been completed and is available for review in the document library on the right hand side. On October 30, 2023 Council approved report RP-2023-010 which directed staff to undertake public consultation on the draft recommendations found in the technical report. Read the Council report and appendices.
Leave your email address to get the latest updates, and check this page for further opportunities to provide feedback and input on the draft recommendations.
Fairy Lake Goose Spotting
Please use the map to add pins for any geese that you spot around Fairy Lake.
Please fill out all the mandatory information in order for it to be used as part of the research for this project.
Fairy Lake Wildlife and Vegetation Spotting
Please add a pin and a photo of any unique wildlife or plants you observe in or around Fairy Lake.
Please identify if you are able to in the comments.
(Please use the Goose Spotting tool for Canada Geese).
Thank you!