Short-Term Rental Accommodation

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Short-term rentals are typically defined as the rental of any accessory building or residential unit (such as a room or an entire house) for a brief period, usually ranging from 2 to 30 days.

The Town of Halton Hills recognizes the advantages of short-term rentals, as they provide operators with a source of income, create local accommodation opportunities, and support tourism.

The municipality will explore a potential update to its Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2010-0050 to include short-term rentals, as the current by-law only addresses bed and breakfast establishments. The goal of this update is to establish regulatory oversight for short-term rentals, ensuring they do not become a nuisance to the community.

To gather community input on this matter, a survey has been created to understand residents' opinions about short-term rentals, identify concerns, and solicit suggestions regarding the conditions the municipality should consider when revising the by-law. Feedback from residents will be shared with the Town Council to assist in the decision-making process.

Short-term rentals are typically defined as the rental of any accessory building or residential unit (such as a room or an entire house) for a brief period, usually ranging from 2 to 30 days.

The Town of Halton Hills recognizes the advantages of short-term rentals, as they provide operators with a source of income, create local accommodation opportunities, and support tourism.

The municipality will explore a potential update to its Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2010-0050 to include short-term rentals, as the current by-law only addresses bed and breakfast establishments. The goal of this update is to establish regulatory oversight for short-term rentals, ensuring they do not become a nuisance to the community.

To gather community input on this matter, a survey has been created to understand residents' opinions about short-term rentals, identify concerns, and solicit suggestions regarding the conditions the municipality should consider when revising the by-law. Feedback from residents will be shared with the Town Council to assist in the decision-making process.

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