What is ROADS 2025: Pavement Management and Collector/Arterial?

    The Town’s Transportation and Public Works Department, Engineering and Construction Section manages the annual road maintenance and improvement plan which includes pavement management, collector/arterial and capital works construction programs to renew and enhance infrastructure across Halton Hills.   

    Pavement Management, the Town’s annual, local resurfacing program has been in operation since 2003. 

    Enhancing residents’ quality of life by improving road conditions and road safety for many years to come is a priority capital investment for the Town.

    When will the work start?

    In the spring of 2025, selected streets will benefit from road resurfacing, where needed.  

    Construction starting dates are project-specific and weather-dependent, and work will be managed and administered by the Engineering and Construction Section of the Transportation and Public Works Department.

    Written notices to affected residences will be provided before work commences.

    What is the anticipated duration of the work?

    The work on individual streets will take approximately two to four months. Project times vary because there are multiple streets involved and the contractors will be moving around between the streets designated for repair and upgrade.  The Town will work with the contractor to ensure affected streets are taken to base asphalt before starting work on other streets. Residents will be notified in writing before work commences.

    What if work is delayed?

    The Town will provide ongoing communications with homeowners including mailed or hand-delivered notices with information of any major delays and next steps.

    Will my property be affected by the work?

    Not all properties will be affected.  A pre-engineering review is completed ahead of the project to determine required repairs based on surface drainage concerns and storm sewer conditions.   

    If the work includes curb removal and re-grading, for the most part, the only area that may be affected will be approximately 1-2 meters behind the curb.  Where there is an existing sidewalk, asphalt driveway boulevards will be repaved, otherwise a saw-cut of the existing asphalt driveway behind the curb or edge of pavement will form the limit for full-width repaving of the existing driveway. Topsoil and sod or seed will be used in all grass areas for restoration.

    Who maintains the new sod?

    The contractor is responsible for watering new sod for 30 days or until it has taken root. Once the Town has reviewed the performance of the sod and confirmed it is healthy and actively growing, the homeowner will be notified by letter of their responsibility for the on-going sod maintenance, including a “New Turf Maintenance” fact sheet.

    Are sidewalks to be removed and replaced?

    Sidewalk removal and replacement falls under the Town’s Public Works maintenance program (unless specifically identified on the drawings), however, any sidewalk bays damaged by curb removal through these projects will be replaced.

    Will the roads be open during construction?

    The roads will be open to all local traffic with lane restrictions.   Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place for safe movement of traffic; efforts will be taken to minimize delays as much as possible.

    Will access to my property be disrupted?

    The most disruptive activity will be concrete curb and sidewalk pouring.  Homeowners can expect to be restricted from access to affected driveways for a minimum of 48 hours.  A notice regarding access restrictions will be provided the day before either verbally or written and placed on doors.

    What if there is a restriction on access to the street for Emergency Services?

    A Notice of Construction is provided to all emergency services before construction.  The contractor is responsible for always maintaining access during construction.  If access is blocked, on-site staff will notify emergency services.  

    Where is the work happening?

    The programs focus on a variety of roads that require upgrading.  A listing of roads and corresponding maps are included and additionally at ROADS 2025: Pavement Management Program. 

    How does the Town determine road repair priorities?

    Generally, roads in the worst condition are renewed first.  Every five years, a detailed review of the condition of the Town’s roads is conducted.  Projects also include proactive rehabilitation to extend the useful life of younger roads. Coordination with our Regional partners, local utilities, Budget considerations, and proposed developments can also impact priorities.

    What types of disruption can residents expect?

    While the Town strives to minimize disruption for residents and businesses, there will be some noise, dust, and vibration as part of the construction process.   Access to driveways may be temporarily blocked at certain times during construction.  

    What is being done to minimize disruption?

    A Town site inspector is assigned to the work area to monitor the project’s progress. Residents encountering issues or requiring information about the project can contact Town staff.

    What should I do with my waste receptacles?

    Halton Region is responsible for garbage collection.  Please place your garbage, blue box, and green cart out on your usual collection day.   It is the contractor’s responsibility to move these materials to a location where they can be accessed by the collection vehicles.  Residents are advised to place their house number on the bins during construction.

    What are the typical working hours for construction?

    Contractors are asked to work between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. to make the site safe and for unforeseen circumstances, contractors may extend their hours of work during off-peak times.

    Town of Halton Hills Contact

    Please contact Supervisor of Construction, Teri Hoey at terih@haltonhills.ca or 905-873-2600 ext. 2309, with questions and construction-related concerns such as: 

    • All concerns about dirt, noise, vibration, drainage or other construction issues 
    • Utility breaks – residential or business
    • Information on widening curb depression for affected driveways during construction (Please be aware that this process requires a permit and some lead time and that there may be applicable fees)
    • Restricted access to emergency services during construction