What is a feasibility study?
A feasibility study is an assessment of whether a project is viable or not. Specifically for this study, it is to understand the feasibility of providing cycling facilities along Maple Avenue – all while protecting areas of high conservation and heritage value and minimizing environmental impact.
Why is the Town undertaking a feasibility study?
Based on public engagement, Maple Avenue has been identified as a preferred location for active transportation improvements following the adoption of our on-going Active Transportation Master Plan development.
Additionally, the Towns Cycling Master Plan (2010) identifies Maple Avenue as a candidate for a cycling facility. The study will consider the Town’s planning principle to build a multi-modal city, which will support a successful, vibrant and active community with a reliance on a range of transportation modes including walking, cycling, transit and vehicles.
What is the objective of the feasibility study?
The study will review best practices for cycling facilities implementation, identify and evaluate design alternatives based on the potential impacts to the surrounding environments and select the most preferred design alternative.
Who should be involved in public consultation?
We want to hear from everyone – from all Town community members, visitor through to local cyclists. You are all encouraged to review the project details and documents and leave your comments and feedback; we invite you to browse through the website to learn more about this project. Please do not forget to participate and let us hear from you!