Birchway Place Neighbourhood
Consultation has concluded

The Town is seeking public input on proposed trail and pedestrian linkages along Fairy Lake in the Birchway Place neighbourhood.
There is a Town-owned walkway block leading from the Acton Legion to the Acton Seniors Residence (ASR) located on Birchway Place, which uses the Legion as visitor parking. This walkway is owned by the Town, but fully maintained by the ASR including repairs and replacements. It does not connect to any public right of way (ROW) or sidewalks. According to some public inquiries, the walkway block has been used historically by residents on Birchway Place to access the Acton Legion by crossing over the ASR property.
Current Situation:
In late 2018, due to operational changes, the ASR installed fencing which prevents public access across their property due to liability and property damage concerns. The Town received public inquiries requesting that access be provided.
The Town does not have any easement or ROW across the ASR property, and any historical access appears to have been permitted at their discretion. Town Staff approached the management of the ASR to discuss options for access. The Board/Property Manager has indicated that the Board may be willing to formalize an access agreement with the Town to allow public access across the property, if the Town was willing to:
1. Construct a proper walkway access to the block
2. Assume maintenance and repairs for the existing walkway block
Options For Achieving a Pedestrian Connection from Birchway Place to the Action Legion:
Option 1:
Construct a pedestrian walkway across the ASR property. This option would require a special agreement with the Town assuming liability and maintenance of the walkway and would be subject to Council approval.
Option 2:
Construct a pedestrian trail leading from the existing walkway block to Birchway Place to be installed behind the ASR in the wooded open space lands. This type of trail is not typically maintained in winter, but can be used by the public. This option would be subject to budget approval from Council and the Conservation Authority.
Additional Trail:
A trail along the edge of Fairy Lake was proposed as part of the Town's Trail Master Plan, and is being reviewed as part of the current Active Transportation Master Plan.
While reviewing the potential pedestrian linkages, the Town was also able to field review a potential trail connection from the existing walkway block on Birchway Place to Mill Street. This trail would be a granular trail linkage similar to Option 2. This trail would be subject to budget approval from Council and the Conservation Authority.
The Town would like input as to whether a pedestrian linkage between the Acton Senior Residence and the Acton Legion is needed, and feedback on the various options presented. The Town is also seeking input on the potential trail linkage along Fairy Lake. Please review the project materials located on the right side of this page, and complete the survey to provide feedback.