Be Kind Halton Hills

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Consultation has concluded

Be Kind

An act of kindness need not be big. Oftentimes it's the little things that make a difference, from holding a door open for a stranger, to helping a neighbour or simply passing along a compliment. It doesn’t take much to brighten someone’s day. To foster a continuing community of kindness, the Town invites residents to share stories of their acts of kindness or others they have experienced in the community.

Continue to spread kindness for the rest of 2022 and beyond by downloading one of our Acts of Kindness Calendars and remember, Be Kind Halton Hills.

An act of kindness need not be big. Oftentimes it's the little things that make a difference, from holding a door open for a stranger, to helping a neighbour or simply passing along a compliment. It doesn’t take much to brighten someone’s day. To foster a continuing community of kindness, the Town invites residents to share stories of their acts of kindness or others they have experienced in the community.

Continue to spread kindness for the rest of 2022 and beyond by downloading one of our Acts of Kindness Calendars and remember, Be Kind Halton Hills.

Share your Story

Thank you for sharing your story with us.
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Share The last pumpkin pie on Facebook Share The last pumpkin pie on Twitter Share The last pumpkin pie on Linkedin Email The last pumpkin pie link

    The last pumpkin pie

    over 2 years ago

    Last week I ended up doing my Thanksgiving shop much later than usual. I was checking out at Canadian Superstore and overherd a woman asking a staff member if they had any more pumpkin pies (they didn't). She looked so disappointed, I couldn't not give her mine. She was so thankful, said its her son's favourite. Absolutely worth it.

  • Share Help with a Heavy Load on Facebook Share Help with a Heavy Load on Twitter Share Help with a Heavy Load on Linkedin Email Help with a Heavy Load link

    Help with a Heavy Load

    over 2 years ago
    I was out shopping the other day and saw a young woman help an elderly man unload his wife's walker from the back of his car. He was so thankful, it honestly made my day and restored my faith in people a bit. So sweet!
  • Share Drive-thru Pay It Forward on Facebook Share Drive-thru Pay It Forward on Twitter Share Drive-thru Pay It Forward on Linkedin Email Drive-thru Pay It Forward link

    Drive-thru Pay It Forward

    by EmCee, over 2 years ago
    On multiple occasions over the past few weeks, I have had my morning drive-thru coffee paid for by the stranger in front of me. It doesn't matter how often it happens, it always brightens my day and I always pay it forward to the car behind me.
  • Share Recycling cans on Facebook Share Recycling cans on Twitter Share Recycling cans on Linkedin Email Recycling cans link

    Recycling cans

    over 2 years ago

    Every week my neighbour brings in my recycling cans. It’s a little thing but I appreciate it as I watch him while working from my home office.


  • Share At the cash register on Facebook Share At the cash register on Twitter Share At the cash register on Linkedin Email At the cash register link

    At the cash register

    by Grandma J, over 2 years ago

    Just before Thankgiving, the woman ahead of me at Freshco was counting out the last of her change to pay for milk, and came up short by 25 cents. It was easy to hand her a quarter, for which she was so grateful. "I just lost my job last week" she said. The cashier and I listened to a bit of her story and tried to be of comfort, then she left close to tears.

    How sad that such a little gesture meant so much to her, and that people like her live so close to the edge. I wish... Continue reading

  • Share Gellert pit stop on Facebook Share Gellert pit stop on Twitter Share Gellert pit stop on Linkedin Email Gellert pit stop link

    Gellert pit stop

    by Emily Van Dyk, over 2 years ago

    Not me delivering kindness, but other locals. It’s 2010 and I had just inherited a ’67 Buick so first things first, take it for a drive! A friend and I pulled into the Gellert and turned the car off to just chat for a bit and nurse our coffees, as one does. Little did we know that the car would refuse to turn back on… The old beast was stubborn.

    We hadn’t noticed, but a few others around our age had parked not far away and noticed our struggle. Over they came, jumper cables in hand, ready to save our... Continue reading