Additional Residential Units

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Please be advised that Official Plan Amendment 58 and the Zoning By-law Amendment were approved by Town Council on December 9, 2024. As of January 2, 2025, Town staff received no appeals on the matter, and OPA 58 and the Zoning By-law Amendment are now in effect. For more information, please see the Notice of Approval below.


  1. Notice of Approval
  2. By-law No. 2024-0097
  3. By-law No. 2024-0098
  4. Official Plan Amendment 58
  5. Amendment to Zoning By-law 2010-0050
  6. Staff Report PD-2024-093

Project Overview

The Town of Halton Hills Planning and Development Department is undertaking a review of the current zoning permissions and official plan policies for Accessory Dwelling Units.

In September of 2019, Town Council approved Official Plan Amendment (OPA) No. 38 and By-law 2019-0049 (to amend comprehensive zoning by-law 2010-0050) to implement the final recommendations for revised Accessory Dwelling Units policies in Halton Hills. Since then, provincial direction (through Bill 23) has changed, requiring municipalities to permit up to three units on a lot in urban areas wherever single, semi-detached, or townhouse units are already permitted.

Currently, the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law 2010-0050 permits accessory dwelling units within single, semi-detached, and townhouse dwellings, within a maximum floor area of 110m² in certain urban and rural zones.

Key changes being proposed through this update include:

  • Adopting the term Additional Residential Units, in place of Accessory Dwelling Units, to better align with provincial policies.
  • Permit and create development standards for Additional Residential Units in buildings detached from the main residential building on a lot.
  • Define appropriate scenarios in which up to three dwelling units may be permitted on a lot in the Town’s urban area.
  • Update existing zoning provisions as required to better align with the provincial direction.

Please refer to the document library on the right pane for previously completed reports, as well as new project documents as they become available

An updated project timeline will include a statutory meeting before Council, providing the public with the opportunity to speak about the proposed changes. Subsequently, staff will return to Council at a later date with a recommendation report seeking approval for the proposed changes to be implemented into the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.

Please be advised that Official Plan Amendment 58 and the Zoning By-law Amendment were approved by Town Council on December 9, 2024. As of January 2, 2025, Town staff received no appeals on the matter, and OPA 58 and the Zoning By-law Amendment are now in effect. For more information, please see the Notice of Approval below.


  1. Notice of Approval
  2. By-law No. 2024-0097
  3. By-law No. 2024-0098
  4. Official Plan Amendment 58
  5. Amendment to Zoning By-law 2010-0050
  6. Staff Report PD-2024-093

Project Overview

The Town of Halton Hills Planning and Development Department is undertaking a review of the current zoning permissions and official plan policies for Accessory Dwelling Units.

In September of 2019, Town Council approved Official Plan Amendment (OPA) No. 38 and By-law 2019-0049 (to amend comprehensive zoning by-law 2010-0050) to implement the final recommendations for revised Accessory Dwelling Units policies in Halton Hills. Since then, provincial direction (through Bill 23) has changed, requiring municipalities to permit up to three units on a lot in urban areas wherever single, semi-detached, or townhouse units are already permitted.

Currently, the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law 2010-0050 permits accessory dwelling units within single, semi-detached, and townhouse dwellings, within a maximum floor area of 110m² in certain urban and rural zones.

Key changes being proposed through this update include:

  • Adopting the term Additional Residential Units, in place of Accessory Dwelling Units, to better align with provincial policies.
  • Permit and create development standards for Additional Residential Units in buildings detached from the main residential building on a lot.
  • Define appropriate scenarios in which up to three dwelling units may be permitted on a lot in the Town’s urban area.
  • Update existing zoning provisions as required to better align with the provincial direction.

Please refer to the document library on the right pane for previously completed reports, as well as new project documents as they become available

An updated project timeline will include a statutory meeting before Council, providing the public with the opportunity to speak about the proposed changes. Subsequently, staff will return to Council at a later date with a recommendation report seeking approval for the proposed changes to be implemented into the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.

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