17 Guelph Street
Consultation has concluded

Recognizing that securing appropriate, accessible and affordable housing is becoming more difficult for households across Ontario, the Town continues to work to advance attainable housing solutions for residents of all ages and stages of life.
One potential housing solution for Halton Hills is to facilitate the creation of mixed-income communities on Town-owned lands. 17 Guelph Street, the former ambulance site, and a Town-owned surplus property, has been identified as a potential location for developing a range of housing options, including market affordable and assisted rental units.
In July 2021, the Economic Development Division submitted an Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment application to the Planning Department to permit a 4-storey, 14-unit apartment building on the 17 Guelph Street property.
This is a Town-initiated project led by the Economic Development, Innovation and Culture Division. Staff has initiated predevelopment work including preliminary engineering, architectural, environmental, and planning activities to determine a feasible site concept.
In tandem with the planning review process, Town and Halton Region staff are collaborating on a public call to solicit interested applicants in the opportunity to develop and operate the 17 Guelph Street property as affordable housing in perpetuity. The public call has been issued as a Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) and will be closing on February 17, 2022 at 2pm.
Ask any questions about the 17 Guelph Street project or let us know how if affects you.
Questions will be answered within seven business days.